Installing HemoVision
Run the HemoVision installer (double click). The installer should have a name similar to:
where "x_x" specifies the version.
In case you get the following warning, asking if you want to run this software, simply click Run to continue the installation.
Welcome Screen
You will be greeted by the HemoVision installer.
Click Next to continue.
Installation Folder
Select the directory where you want to install HemoVision. The default location is:
C:\Program Files\HemoVision\
You have the option to associate the HemoVision file extension (.hvp) with the HemoVision software.
Click Next to continue.
Select Components
Select all the component you wish to install. There is currently one option, which is mandatory.
Click Next to continue.
License Agreement
You will be shown the HemoVision End-User License Agreement (EULA). Carefully read the EULA and check the checkbox to accept the terms and conditions.
Click Next to continue.
Start Menu Shortcuts
Select the start menu in which the HemoVision shortcuts will be created. By default, the shortcuts will be created in a new folder called 'HemoVision'.
Click Next to continue.
Click Install to start installation.
If you get the question to allow the app from an unknown publisher to make changes to your device, click Yes to continue.
Once installed, click Finish to complete the installation.
Next up: Activating HemoVision