About Forentrics

our mission

Crime scene investigations are crucial to any justice system. Unfortunately, forensic investigators often have to rely on manual work. Not only does this lead to lengthy and costly investigations, it also increases the risk of bias.

Forentrics is the product of a unique collaboration between KU Leuven University (Belgium) and the UZ Leuven University Hospital (Belgium). Using methods from the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), our aim is to accelerate and improve the workflow of forensic investigators and their institutes. With our tools, obtaining objective and scientifically sound forensic metrics has never been easier.

how can we help

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an indispensable tool in many aspects of our life. At Forentrics, we feel AI can play a similar role in criminal investigations, improving and accelerating criminal investigations, bringing advantages to all players involved.
Forensic Investigators

AI can significantly improve your workflow in different ways. By automating tedious manual work, your workload is reduced. You will also get results faster, which can be crucial in time-sensitive cases. Finally, the time you spend on a crime scene is shortened, reducing scene contamination and health-related risks

Forensic Institutes

Eliminating time-consuming manual work can drastically reduce your expenses. Moreover, we strive to develop easy-to-use and intuitive software products that require no expensive hardware or additional training.

Justice System

Forentrics has a strong link with academia. We deliver tools based on published and peer-reviewed methods with quantifiable measures of accuracy, greatly reducing the risk of bias. By using our tools, analyses can be repeated, even after the crime scene has been clear. Moreover, results can easily be shared with experts around the world. 

meet our team

Dr. Ing. Philip Joris

Inspired by TV-series such as 'Dexter' and 'CSI: Miami' to improve forensics using Artificial Intelligence.

MSc. Ruben Moermans

AI enthousisast with a passion for Computer Science and Software Development.

our partners

KU Leuven University (ESAT - PSI)
PSI is a department of Electrical Engineering (ESAT) at the KU Leuven, Belgium. The group performs demand-driven research in the field of image and audio processing. This research approach offers the opportunity to respond to social and economic trends. Methodologically, the research belongs to the domains of computational science and machine learning.
UZ Leuven University Hospital (Forensic Department)
The Forensic Department of Leuven is mainly responsible for carrying out judicial assignments in the fields of forensic and judicial medicine. This includes post-mortem examinations of unusual, suspicious, and violent deaths. In addition, the Forensic Department houses an accredited biological traces lab for the analysis of DNA evidence. Finally, the department is involved with determining medical error and liability.

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